Interface ByteTrieIfc<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
ByteTrie, CaseInsensitiveByteTrie

public interface ByteTrieIfc<T>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    add(byte[] value, T item)
    Adds a byte sequence to the trie, with corresponding user item.
    find(byte[] value)
    Finds a byte sequence in the trie and returns a node interface object for it, or null if not present.
    inorder(TaskMonitor monitor, Op<T> op)
    Visits all the nodes in the trie such that the visitation order is properly byte value ordered.
    Returns if the trie is empty.
    Returns the number of nodes in the trie; this is essentially equal to the sum of the number of characters in all byte sequences present in the trie, minus their shared prefixes.
    search(byte[] text, TaskMonitor monitor)
    Search an array of bytes using the Aho-Corasick multiple string trie search algorithm.
    search(Memory memory, AddressSetView view, TaskMonitor monitor)
    Search an array of bytes using the Aho-Corasick multiple string trie search algorithm.
    Returns the number of byte sequences in the trie.
  • Method Details

    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Returns if the trie is empty.
      if the trie is empty
    • size

      int size()
      Returns the number of byte sequences in the trie.
      the number of byte sequences in the trie
    • numberOfNodes

      int numberOfNodes()
      Returns the number of nodes in the trie; this is essentially equal to the sum of the number of characters in all byte sequences present in the trie, minus their shared prefixes.
      the number of nodes in the trie
    • add

      boolean add(byte[] value, T item)
      Adds a byte sequence to the trie, with corresponding user item. Returns if the add took place, or if this add was essentially a replacement of a previously present value (previous user item is lost forever).
      value - the byte sequence to insert into the trie
      item - a user item to store in that location
      whether the add took place
    • find

      ByteTrieNodeIfc<T> find(byte[] value)
      Finds a byte sequence in the trie and returns a node interface object for it, or null if not present.
      value - the byte sequence sought
      the node interface if present, or null
    • inorder

      void inorder(TaskMonitor monitor, Op<T> op) throws CancelledException
      Visits all the nodes in the trie such that the visitation order is properly byte value ordered. The client is responsible for not performing actions on non-terminal nodes as necessary.
      monitor - a task monitor
      op - the operation to perform
      CancelledException - if the user cancels
    • search

      List<SearchResult<Integer,T>> search(byte[] text, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Search an array of bytes using the Aho-Corasick multiple string trie search algorithm.
      text - the bytes to search
      a list of results (tuple of offset position, text found)
      CancelledException - if the search is cancelled
    • search

      Search an array of bytes using the Aho-Corasick multiple string trie search algorithm.
      memory - the memory to search in
      view - the AddressSetView to restrict the memory search to.
      monitor - the task monitor
      a list of results (tuple of offset position, text found)
      MemoryAccessException - if an error occurs reading the memory
      CancelledException - if the search is cancelled