All Classes and Interfaces

AddressEditorPanel should be extended to create a new panel for editing a specific type of mark-up item destination address.
The listener for an address editor panel.
The ApplyBlockedMatchAction allows the user to apply a match that is currently blocked.
The ApplyMarkupPropertyEditor provides a custom GUI layout for the options that are used when applying version tracking markup.
Interface used for a callback when associations are accepted or cleared.
This action runs the AutoVersionTrackingTask
If their options are set, this command runs all of the exact VTProgramCorrelators that return unique matches (i.e., only one of each match is found in each program) for each correlator selected in the autoVT options to run: Exact Symbol Name correlator Exact Data correlator Exact Function Byte correlator Exact Function Instruction correlator Exact Function Mnemonic correlator
A basic class to extract out code I was repeating over and over again.
Correlates functions based on previously accepted data and function matches.
Factory to call the correlator that correlates functions based on previously accepted data and function matches.
Action that creates a manual match for the currently selected source and destination functions in the function association tables.
Action that creates a manual match for the currently selected source and destination functions in the function association tables and then accepts the match.
Action that creates a manual match for the currently selected source and destination functions in the function association tables and then applies the match.
Correlates functions based on previously accepted data matches.
Factory to call the correlator that correlates functions based on previously accepted data matches.
A simple object that holds information about a match that has been deleted from the database.
An interface to allow clients to provide a mechanism for filtering objects and to notify listeners when the state of the filter changes
A state that describes ways for the filtering process to shortcut, or skip, full filtering.
Enum to describe the filter settings for the VTFunctionAssociationProvider.
A class that allows us to capture the current state of any Filter.
A task to apply markup items using the indicated options.
Action context interface for the function associations provider.
Correlates functions if they share forward references to previously accepted function matches.
Factory to call the correlator that correlates functions based on previously accepted function matches.
Utility class for finding version tracking implied matches given an accepted matched function.
A ProgramLocationTableRowMapper that allows us to map this package's table row objects to Match objects.
This is the correlator of last resort.
Renderer for the status of a VTMarkupItem
A renderer for VTMatch that shows an icon for the match's status
A renderer for the VTMatch to show an icon for its applied status
This class provides a field renderer for version tracking tables.
This status is a combination of the VTAssociationStatus and the VTMarkupItemStatus.
Version tracking wizard panel to create a new session.
This can produce two numbers to defined a range
Checks to see if one number range is a subset of the other
Action that replaces Data for a version tracking data match, but only if no defined data in the destination is replaced other than defined data at the match's destination address.
Action that selects the function match, if it exists, for the currently selected source and destination functions in the tables.
Generate address correlations by viewing each function as a list of instructions in address order Instructions are paired one at a time, in order, if the mnemonics of the instructions match.
Generically, this represents the concept that the implementation of this class is an item that can be turned into a String and restored from String form.
This filter allows through any match that has a source *or* destination symbol type matches the selected source types.
An enum to describe the available selection tracking states.
Event data for a DomainObjectChangeEvent generated by Version Tracking.
Interface for Algorithms that correlate items (primarily functions) from one program to another, typically for purposes of version tracking.
Abstract parent class for Version Tracking Reference Program Correlators.
A VTAssociation is a possible equivalence between a function or data in one program to a function or data in another program.
The interface for the association manager which manages the associations which are shared with similar matches within a session.
Class the indicates an overview, or high-level status, for the markup items within an association.
An exception that signals an attempt to add VTMarkupItems to a
invalid reference
Enum that represents an association type of either Function or Data
Interface to define event types and the method to generate an event within Version Tracking.
Version tracking providers should implement this interface if they are interested in being notified about version tracking state changes by the VTController.
A context for the function association provider's code comparison panel that will also allow function association table actions.
Provider for the version tracking function association table.
Wraps the HashedFunctionAddressCorrelation so that it can be used with version tracking.
An address correlator that may use the VTHashedFunctionAddressCorrelation.
A VTMatchInfo object that represents the concept of an implied match.
Action context for a version tracking listing.
A status that the user can set on an item to signal that the item has been considered, but not applied.
Action context for the version tracking markup item provider.
This provides the GUI for displaying and working with version tracking markup items.
A VTMatch is a scoring by some algorithm that indicates a possibility that one function or data item on one program matches a function or data item in another program.
This is a docking window provider for the Destination (main) tool.
The docking window that provides a table of the other tool's function matches for the function containing the current cursor location in this tool's listing.
Interface for all the matches generated from a single program correlator run.
This is a docking window provider for the Source tool.
VTMatchTag is the interface for the user defined tags that can be set on a version tracking match.
The database object for a user defined tag on a version tracking match.
Abstract adapter for the database table that holds tags for version tracking matches.
Initial adapter for the database table that holds tags for version tracking matches.
Validator objects looks for specific preconditions that should exist in order to get optimal results when applying a program correlator.
Class that represents a numerical score for a correlator.
Main interface for a Version Tracking Session
VTSessionFileUtil provides methods for checking VTSessionDB source and destination program files prior to being opened and used during session instantiation.
A simple interface that provides a session.
A class that allows the VT application to track the currently in-use task monitor.